Ryan Heffernan served in the Australian Regular Army for 12 years as a Signals Officer. Whilst enlisted, he gained experience in Electronic Warfare, tactical and strategic communications as well as capability management. In 2019 he deployed to Middle East Region as part of the Theatre Communications Group, where he completed a Master of Systems Engineering.

Following his posting to Army Headquarters in 2020, Ryan decided to put down roots in Canberra and made the transition to civilian life with Accenture, where he found a role as a Systems Engineer working on Land Simulation Core 2.0 with CIOG. Under LS Core 2.0, Ryan gained valuable experience how ICT projects are run within CIOG, and just as importantly how life as a defence consultant works.

After helping LS Core 2.0 reach a gate 2 submission in early 2022, Ryan moved into a Test & Evaluation Role on a Space EW project in Space Command, where his knowledge of Satellite Communications and Electronic Warfare made him a valuable part of the project team, becoming the first Space Command project to successfully pass the National Security Cabinet Submission process.

In early 2023, Ryan felt it was time to try a smaller, more specialised company and joined JY Australia after hearing about some great experiences in his own network. Since joining, Ryan has been engaged as a Communications and Network Specialist for the Enhanced Defence High Frequency Communications System (EDHFCS) project. While at EDHFCS, Ryan has gained engineering delegation and plans to work toward his Chartered Engineer status as well as increase his knowledge of Model Based Systems Engineering.

Ryan hopes to deepen his technical expertise in Systems Engineering while developing a positive reputation for JY Australia within the technical and engineering space.