Craig has 13 years’ experience in the Australian Public Service. Throughout Craig’s career he has developed his skill set as a Project Manager and Director on some of the bigger programs including spending 2022 as a Director for Acquisition under the Navy Guided Weapon Program in the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG). Under the Navy Guided Weapons Program Craig has successfully managed the acquisition of numerous high-profile capabilities including Maritime Strike Tomahawk, Naval Strike Missile, Standard Missile and Evolved SeaSparrow Missile (ESSM). Craig has an in-depth knowledge of different stages of the One Defence Capability Life Cycle and the Smart Buyer Process as well as a diverse understanding of different procurement methods from Direct Commercial Sales (DCS), Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and even consortium arrangements.

Before transitioning to the Department of Defence Craig spent 7 years with the Department of Human Services where he was able to spend time working on the creation of, the creation of Medicare Claiming Online as well as the re-invigoration of the National Bowel Screening Program. These early projects in Craig’s career allowed him the opportunity to master the project basics around risk, cost and schedule management. These skills were further sharpened at Defence as he continued his professional development to be an industry accredited Certified Practising Project Director and as he continues to complete his Masters in Project Management through the University of New South Wales.

It was delivering these programs that Craig developed a passion for making a difference to the community through his work and recognised that JY Australia would present a fantastic opportunity to continue to do that. JY Australia’s motto “From Country to Serve Country” really resonated with Craig and he looks forward to contributing to more meaningful Defence programs in the future for a proudly Veteran and Indigenous owned Australian company.